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8. Notre premier vrai jeu

——————- EN COURS DE TRADUCTION ——————–
Jusqu'ici nous avons appris un tas de concepts. Nous avons fait des experiences avec des éléments isolés de WME et maitenant est venu le temps de tout mettre ensemble. Ce chapitre va traiter de la base de l'histoire et de la préparation de notre jeu que nous terminerons dans les chapitres suivants.

Ne vous attendez pas à une histoire révolutionnaire ici. Nous allons présenter WME comme un outil de développement de jeu et ceci est un simple jeu réalisé ensemble en un jour.

Maintenant, même pour un tel jeu court, nous allons inclure une introduction très basique, Elements qui peuvent vous donner une idée de comment vous pouvez faire une sorte de phase de préproduction.


Le jeu commence dans un rêve. Molly apparait dans une grande salle et soudain elle se divise en deux. L'autre Molly lui dis, qu'elle est son image de l'univers parallèle. Dans ce dialogue Molly d'une maison dans une vielle ville allemande ou se trouve un livre secret appelé WME book. Cette maison sert de portail vers un royaumes différent, où Molly peut trouver un réponse à toutes les questions sur l’humanité. Une fois la lecture du WME book dans la salle, la porte va transporter Molly vers ce royaume.

Molly voyage vers la ville et trouve une maison fermée. Elle doit improviser un outils de crochetage pour crocheter cette porte et entrer dans la maison. Puis Molly devra chercher la salle pour trouver un bouton caché qui ouvre le tiroir ou se trouve le livre secret. Ce bouton est caché dans l'image et il y a une petite astuce en un clin d’œil en entrant dans la salle.

Mais c'est derrière la vitre, donc Molly doit prendre un caillou dehors et casser la vitre avec le caillou. Ensuite elle peut appuyer sur le bouton et dévoiler le WME book.

En lisant le WME book dans la salle, elle est transportée à la colonne avec un squelette. Le squelette lui dis qu'elle est la pour le sauver de son esclavage éternel en le remplacant dans sa position. Molly veut protester mais dans un flash de lumière elle devient le squelette dans le milieu du cercle attendant qu'une autre âme la libère.

La camera va sur l'image avec le cercle au loin et Molly et son destin maudit.


Articles utilisés dans l'inventaire:

Pierre (Article de l'inventaire pris à l’extérieur de la maison)
Pince (Seulement article de l'inventaire, trouvé en examinant la voiture la première fois)
Fil de fer (trouvé en examinant la voiture la deuxième fois)
wme book (article de l'inventaire et article dans le monde réel)

Solution du jeu:

  • Parlez-en à autre Molly
  • Examinez la voiture pour obtenir une pince
  • Examinez de nouveau la voiture pour obtenir du fil de fer
  • Utilisez la pince sur le fil pour obtenir un outils de crochetage
  • Regarder la porte pour voir qu'elle est verrouillée
  • Utiliser l’outil crochetage sur la porte.
  • Prendre la pierre.
  • Examiner l'image.
  • Utiliser la pierre avec l'image
  • Appuyer sur le bouton œil.
  • Examiner le tiroir.
  • Prendre le WME book.
  • Lire le livre.
  • Sortir par la porte.
  • Parler au squelette.


Now bear with me, I am not an artist, so I’ve quickly thrown together the logic how scenes should be linked.

Ok. We know enough about our game to start the development. Again we will build upon the knowledge gained in the previous chapters so for you – cheaters - out there will come hard times.

Let’s get our hands dirty and fire up the Project Manager and right off the bat create 4 800x600 scenes by right click → Add scene. Name them Dream, Circle, Desk and Street.
So far we have 5 scenes (including default Room).

Now copy to their folders following files from our resources:

Dream → Rlyeh.jpg
Street → Stadt.jpg
Desk → Desk_Wide.jpg , Desk_Closeup.jpg
Room → Door.jpg
Circle→Skelett_nah.jpg, Skelett_weit.jpg

Okay. We’re set. Don’t forget that you really have to put all necessary information inside the directory structure of your project or it doesn’t get compile and the only computer it will run is yours.

So back to work:

Open scene Dream in the Scene Editor and assign Background image Rlyeh.jpg. Shape the floor so it would copy the floor shape of the hall.

We’ll now use the Startup Scene debugging feature in Project Manager and set there the scene to Dream (click on … and navigate to data\scenes\dream\dream.scene).

This doesn’t affect the compiled game. We’ve already stated that to affect the real game we’d need to change game.script file, but we’ll use this convenient feature for now to speed up our work. Also note, that

Open the scene_init.script file of the Room scene and erase the lines referencing sally:

sally.SkipTo(100, 400); 
sally.Direction = DI_DOWN; 
sally.Active = true;

Let’s add some sort of noninteractive sequence when Molly first enters the screen. I’ll do for this particular game a bit unnecessary thing as Molly will never return to this scene, but I want to demonstrate on this principle how would you handle the events which are triggered on the very first enter to the scene.

Locate this line of code:

  StateDream.Visited = false; 
  // add scene states here 
  StateDream.Visited = true; 
  // this is our first visit in this scene... 

StateDream is a global variable as seen above and this way the whole game knows about it. Default WME template uses two-state approach. First it checks if this variable was ever set and if not, we assign its Visited attribute to false (indicating that the scene was never visited) By this assignment StateDream is no longer null but it’s [object] instead.

Next the Visited attribute is checked and set to true (if it was false) to indicate, that you’ve already been in the scene and this way the whole mechanism provide that lines of code in the second condition get called only if you enter the scene for the very first time.

We’re going to build upon this script a bit and solve one possible pitfall. At the beginning of the scene_init.script we let Molly walk around. But we don’t want player to interrupt this walk by left clicking. So we’re going to set the whole scene_init.script into non interactive mode so we know, that player won’t interfere with our game by canceling events.

Add Game.Interactive = false; just below the include line and Game.Interactive = true; to the end of the file. Phew. We’re safe.

Next we’ll focus on the first entry:

  StateDream.Visited = true; 
  // this is our first visit in this scene... 
  actor.Talk("Where am I? What is this place?"); 
  actor.Talk("I've never been to place like this before."); 
  actor.Talk("What's wrong with me???"); 
  var molly2 = Game.LoadActor("actors\molly\"); 
  molly2.Active = true; 
  molly2.SkipTo(actor.X,actor.Y); //we assign Alternate molly actor coordinates 
  molly2.Direction = DI_DOWN; 
  actor.Talk("But that's ... me?"); 
  molly2.Talk("Come here. We need to talk!"); 

As you can see, we’ve created a short scripted cut-scene using the elements we already know. Of course we need file, which we would create by copying molly.script and modifying the beginning of the file like this:

  NAME = "molly2" 
  CAPTION="Alternate molly" 
  X = 100 
  Y = 100 

We should be quite skilled in this already.

Now let’s create the dialogue with alternate molly. We’re going to use exactly the same approach as we did in the previous chapter. We’re going to show one difference – our dialouge will get the ending option when all dialogue options are depleted no matter in what order.

Create an empty molly2.script file and type in the following:

#include "scripts\" 
function checkDepleted(depleted) 
	if (depleted.Who && depleted.Where && depleted.Why) return true; 
	return false;	 
function basic() 
	var options; 
	options[0] = "Where am I?"; 
	options[1] = "Who are you?"; 
	options[2] = "Why I am here?"; 
	options[3] = "I'll do my best to uncover the secret which lies in Luebeck."; 
	var depleted;	 
	var selected; 
	while (selected != 3) 
		if (checkDepleted(depleted)) Game.AddResponse(3,options[3]);	 
		Game.Interactive = true; 
		selected = Game.GetResponse(); 
		Game.Interactive = false; 
		switch (selected) 
			case 0: 
				this.Talk("You're in the alternate universe.");	 
				this.Talk("I've called you here to talk.");	 
				depleted.Where = true; 
			case 1:  
				this.Talk("I'm your subconsious mind which have the access to much more than the mere knowledge.");	 
				depleted.Who = true; 
			case 2:  
			     depleted.Why = true; 
				this.Talk("There's a task which awaits you."); 
				this.Talk(" You have to go to the ancient town of Luebeck in Germany where lies a secret.");	 
				this.Talk("WME book, which contains the passage to the other realm."); 
				this.Talk("There you find all you seek!"); 
			case 3: 
				this.Talk("Please hurry, there's not much time left."); 
				this.Active = false; 
				actor.Talk("Hmmm. Where did she go?");	 
				actor.Talk("After a long journey, I've arrived to Luebeck"); 
				Game.Interactive = true; 
	Game.Interactive = true; 
on "LeftClick" 

Let’s have a look at this file. We’ll progress from the bottom where we find the LeftClick event. If we left clicked on alternate molly, we first go to the specified position, then turn to alternate molly and finally called the function we’ve called basic.

Function basic is the dialogue itself. It’s pretty simple but we’ve used the object logic to check up if all options are depleted. For this we’ve set up an object depleted which has assigned three attributes – Who, Where and Why.

In the course of dialogue we assign individual attributes, which sets: depleted.Who, depleted.Why or depleted.Where to true respectively. To save our time, we’ve written a little function checkDepleted(depleted) which returns true if all dialogue branches has been chosen. This function is called in the following condition:

if (checkDepleted(depleted)) Game.AddResponse(3,options[3]);

This way our exit response is added only after all other options have been chosen. At the exit branch we let our Alternate Molly disappear and we change scene to street.scene which is our next stop.

In the Scene Editor open the Street.scene and your first step is to shape the floor and adjust scale levels to look like this:

Reason for adjusting the scale level is that our actor standing next to the door looks like she can pass through them.

Now create a region entities for Car, sign and door and attach scripts to them. Don’t forget to fill in captions for them. Also copy the file rock_scene.png to your street folder and add it as a sprite entity (don’t forget to fill the name and caption) and in the Item column fill Rock.

As we know from the walkthrough, this scene introduce three items – pliers,wire and a rock. Rock is a scene item, pliers and wire are found by clicking on the car.
We start with copying the graphics of a pliers into the items folder. It’s the file plier_item.png. Create a sprite in the sprite edit using this image and turn off pixel precise for it on the Properties tab. Save this file as pliers.sprite.

Now open the items.items file and define a block for pliers first:

    CAPTION = "Pliers" 
    NAME = "Pliers" 
    SPRITE = "items\pliers.sprite" 
    CURSOR = "items\pliers.sprite" 
    CURSOR_HOVER = "items\pliers.sprite" 
    SCRIPT = "items\pliers.script" 

Then create a new data\items\pliers.script file which would contain the following:

#include "scripts\" 
on "LeftClick" 
    Game.SelectedItem = "Pliers"; 

We have our item ready to use so let’s put it in the scene. Open the car.script in our street scr folder and write there the following:

#include "scripts\" 
on "LeftClick" 
	Game.Interactive = false; 
	actor.Talk("Hey! There are pliers in there. I'll steal them."); 
	Game.Interactive = true; 

We know that upon second examination of the car we find a wire. Copy the wire_item.png to the items folder and create all files as with the pliers. Of course add a new block to the items.items file.

	   CAPTION = "Wire" 
	   NAME = "Wire" 
	   SPRITE = "items\wire.sprite" 
	   CURSOR = "items\wire.sprite" 
	   CURSOR_HOVER = "items\wire.sprite" 
	   SCRIPT = "items\wire.script" 

Don’t forget to create a wire.script accordingly.

on "LeftClick" 
    Game.SelectedItem = "Wire"; 

Now we have to modify the car script so it would first take the pliers, then the wire and lastly it would tell that there’s nothing left.

on "LeftClick" 
	global carExamination; 
	if (carExamination == null) carExamination = 0; 
	Game.Interactive = false; 
	if (carExamination < 3) carExamination = carExamination + 1; 
		case 1: 
			actor.Talk("Hey! There are pliers in there. I'll steal them."); 
		case 2: 
			actor.Talk("Hey! There is a piece of wire in there. I could use it."); 
			actor.Talk("Nothing left to steal."); 
	Game.Interactive = true; 

As you can surely see with each left click we increase the number in the global variable carExamination. This in turn is checked in the switch clause and actor takes according item or refuses to steal a steering wheel. Again note that I am paranoid and set Interactivity to false for all longer actions which could break a game if player accidentally clicked at the wrong time.

Our next item is a lockpick. Again we do our homework with creating a new items.items block and copying lockpick_item.png to the items folder. For sake of saving space I’m not going to include this block as it’s identical to what we’ve done twice already. You can however find in the resources package all modified files from the chapter 8.

Open the file pliers.script and add the lockpick creating event:

on "Wire"

Game.Interactive = false; 
actor.Talk("I'll create a Lockpick"); 
Game.Interactive = true; 


and the similar way applies to creating a lockpick by combining items the other way around:

Open the file wire.script and add the following code:

on "Pliers" 
	Game.Interactive = false; 
	actor.Talk("I'll create a Lockpick"); 
	Game.Interactive = true; 

Note that deleting the item - the script belongs to - must be executed as the last step because by deleting the item, the script terminates its execution and this way all lines after deletion would never get executed.

The Lockpick itself must be defined as well in items.items.

First copy lockpick_item.png into the items folder, create its sprite in sprite edit, turn off pixel precise and move hotspot to the center.

	   CAPTION = "Lockpick" 
	   NAME = "Lockpick" 
	   SPRITE = "items\lockpick.sprite" 
	   CURSOR = "items\lockpick.sprite" 
	   CURSOR_HOVER = "items\lockpick.sprite" 
	   SCRIPT = "items\lockpick.script" 

and lockpick.script:

on "LeftClick" 
    Game.SelectedItem = "Lockpick"; 

Speaking of items, in this scene we also have a rock which is pickable.

Go through the routine of copying rock_item into the items folder, creating its sprite etc. (It's a routine now, isn't it?)

	   CAPTION = "Rock" 
	   NAME = "Rock" 
	   SPRITE = "items\rock.sprite" 
	   CURSOR = "items\rock.sprite" 
	   CURSOR_HOVER = "items\rock.sprite" 
	   SCRIPT = "items\rock.script" 

and rock.script – this one in items folder.

on "LeftClick" 
    Game.SelectedItem = "Rock"; 

we need another rock.script this time attached to the sprite entity Rock via Scene Edit.

#include "scripts\" 
on "LeftClick" 
	Game.Interactive = false; 
	actor.Talk("Hey, I'll take this rock. It could prove useful."); 
	Game.Interactive = true; 

We want to handle the scene sign just for observation so sign.script:

#include "scripts\" 
on "LeftClick" 
	actor.Talk("Judging by this sign, I've reached my destination!"); 

And finally we want to lockpick the door, which is entirely handled in door.script:

#include "scripts\" 
global DoorUnlocked; 
on "LeftClick" 
  Game.Interactive = false;  
  if (!DoorUnlocked) 
    actor.Talk("Rats! The door is locked. What should I do now?"); 
  Game.Interactive = true;  
on "Lockpick" 
  Game.Interactive = false;  
  DoorUnlocked = true;  
  actor.Talk("Ha! I've unlocked the door. The lockpick broke apart in the process though."); 
  Game.Interactive = true; 

Just for the record - we've created a global variable DoorUnlocked, which is set to true when we use the lockpick on the door. Then in the door script we test this variable and either say, that the door is locked or change the room.

For now, let's be happy with our Street and move on in our Room.

In the picture you can see the shaped floor region, Entity regions for Painting, Door and Locker and one Region which I've hilighted by the thick red color. Each of them have a script attached. I've made the exit region pretty thick so you can see where it's located because we'll make some auto room changing.

Now we need to tweak some scripts:


#include "scripts\" 
// here comes the stuff which initializes the scene 
actor.SkipTo(706, 405); 
actor.Direction = DI_DOWN; 
actor.Active = true; 
// scene state 
global StateRoom; 
// default values 
  StateRoom.Visited = false; 
  // add scene states here 
  StateRoom.Visited = true; 
  // this is our first visit in this scene... 


#include "scripts\" 
on "LeftClick" 
  actor.Talk("The locker is welded shut."); 

This is a common adventure game designers way how to save their work. Just invent some stupid excuse why the main character can't perform any task and you're on the way of creating the true adventure game. :)


#include "scripts\" 
on "ActorEntry" 

This is how we handle a trap region (remember our first WME tests?) and whenever actor appears in this region, the scene changes to another room view.

Now the door.script for bringing player back on the street.

#include "scripts\" 
on "LeftClick" 

We have to handle the painting as well and as we could do some things with it, let's recapitulate.

  1. Painting is behind the glass, if we left click it and the glass is still there it must be handled.
  2. We can break the glass with a rock.
  3. When the glass is away and the drawer is not open we can push the button hidden in the image to open a drawer.
  4. If the drawer is open, we'll comment on that
#include "scripts\" 
global GlassBroken; 
global DrawerOpened; 
on "LeftClick" 
  if (!GlassBroken) 
     actor.Talk("The painting is for some reason quite suspicious. I'd like to examine it closer but it's behind the glass."); 
     if (!DrawerOpened)  
        DrawerOpened = true; 
        actor.Talk("Hey! There's a button in its eye! I'll push it."); 
        actor.Talk("I've already pressed the button"); 
on "Rock" 
  Game.Interactive = false; 
  GlassBroken = true; 
  Game.Msg("Sound of broken glass");  
  Game.Interactive = true; 

Let's move to the scene Desk. Open it in the Scene Editor and we'll define it as follows:

Also note that I've again hilighted the Exit region which will bring us back to the Room scene. If we tested the game, we'd see that the actor is too small so we have to raise the scale value to 100% and lift it a bit higher.

Scripts for this scene are:


#include "scripts\" 
// here comes the stuff which initializes the scene 
actor.SkipTo(211, 552); 
actor.Direction = DI_DOWN; 
actor.Active = true; 
// scene state 
global StateDesk; 
// default values 
  StateDesk.Visited = false; 
  // add scene states here 
// setup scene according to state variables 
  StateDesk.Visited = true; 
  // this is our first visit in this scene... 


#include "scripts\" 
on "ActorEntry" 

But there's more to this scene. We'll add a closeup layer called DeskCloseup.

ERRATA: In the upcoming images there is a duplicity of node Drawer. Please create the sprite entity (the yellow one) as SpriteDrawer instead of Drawer.

And define it in the following steps:

(note that we paired the book sprite entity with an item and made it interactive, also we've defined the exit region at the end of the screen)

And hide the visibility so the node tree looks like this:

Now before we can use the closeup layers, we just remember the method:

Scene.GetLayer() - which is similar to Scene.GetNode, but returns a layer rather than node.


#include "scripts\" 
on "LeftClick" 
  var layer = Scene.GetLayer("DeskCloseup"); 
  layer.Active = true; 


#include "scripts\" 
on "LeftClick" 
  var layer = Scene.GetLayer("DeskCloseup"); 
  layer.Active = false; 

As we can see, now the Closeup properly activates (making actor disappear) and upon clicking Exit it again disappears making actor appear.

Drawer.script first has to check if the button in the painting has been pressed and if yes, it opens the drawer uncovering the book and hides itself.

#include "scripts\" 
on "LeftClick" 
  global DrawerOpened; 
  if (DrawerOpened) 
    var ent = Scene.GetNode("SpriteDrawer"); 
    ent.Active = true; 
    ent = Scene.GetNode("Book"); 
    ent.Active = true; 
    this.Active = false; 
  actor.Talk("Hmm! It's locked"); 

We just take a book upon left click:

Add the book to items.items:

   CAPTION = "WME User's Guide" 
   NAME = "Book" 
   SPRITE = "items\book.sprite" 
   CURSOR = "items\book.sprite" 
   CURSOR_HOVER = "items\book.sprite" 
   SCRIPT = "items\book.script" 

create the sprite file for the book and to the book.script in the scene write the following:

#include "scripts\" 
on "LeftClick" 

and to the book.script in the items folder write this:

#include "scripts\" 
on "LeftClick" 
  global BookRead = true; 
  actor.Talk("Blablabla, this is a magical formula which tells you the secret of the ancient passage."); 

See, we have another global variable this time indicating if our actor read the secret book or not. We'll then extend our door passage a bit to enter the stone circle after you've read the book.

Modify scenes\Room\scr\door.script to read the following:

#include "scripts\" 
on "LeftClick" 
   global BookRead; 
   if (BookRead) 

Last scene in our game is the circle. You know the drill. Here's the basic layout:

The Ending is a sprite entity which has its Interactive turned off.

Now turn again off the Active check box for Ending entity so it's again invisible.

Here're the scripts:


#include "scripts\" 
// here comes the stuff which initializes the scene 
actor.SkipTo(507, 526); 
actor.Direction = DI_DOWN; 
actor.Active = true; 
// scene state 
global StateCircle; 
// default values 
  StateCircle.Visited = false; 
  // add scene states here 
// setup scene according to state variables 
  StateCircle.Visited = true; 
  // this is our first visit in this scene... 


#include "scripts\" 
on "LeftClick" 
  Game.Interactive = false; 
	this.Talk("Finally you arrived! I was waiting here for you for so long!"); 
	actor.Talk("Who are you?"); 
	this.Talk("I'm the servant of the WME circle and I have to serve here until someone changes a place with me."); 
	actor.Talk("But how could that be? Who was the one in the alternate universe?"); 
	this.Talk("I have only very little power but one of my skills is to influence other's dreams. I tried this on many people but you're the one who caught up."); 
	actor.Talk("I don't believe you. You are supposed to tell me the secrets of everything."); 
	this.Talk("The secret is not to get your legs wooden. HAHAHA!"); 
	actor.Active = false; 
	var e = Scene.GetNode("Ending"); 
	e.Active = true; 
	this.Talk("It can't be like this!"); 
	this.Talk("Please save me someone, anyone???? Hello???"); 
	this.Talk("Wait what did he said? Influencing other people dreams?"); 
	Game.Interactive = true; 

And our game skeleton is ready. If you want, you can look in the chapter 8 resource folder where - in the folder finished chapter - you can find the working version.
Now go and play that game before we move on.

fr/wmebook/ch8.1319456602.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/10/24 13:43 by Anto0085
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