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How to Display the Inventory Constantly at the Bottom of the Screen

This tutorial is based solely on advice posted by NAItReIN. THANK YOU, NAItReIN!

By default the inventory is positioned at the top of the screen in a WME project. If you wish to constantly display it at the bottom of the screen instead, follow the steps.

Step 1

Open scripts\game_loop.script and erase or comment out lines 48 – 50:

  // display the inventory window 
  if(Game.Interactive && Game.MouseY < 45 && !Game.ResponsesVisible && !WinMenu.Visible) Game.InventoryVisible = true; 
  else if(Game.MouseY > 100 || Game.ResponsesVisible || !Game.Interactive) Game.InventoryVisible = false;

You won’t need those anymore.

Step 2

Open interface\inventory.def and change Y value of WINDOW from 0 to 510:

1.	  WINDOW 
2.	  { 
3.	    X = 0 
4.	    Y = 510 
5.	    WIDTH = 800 
6.	    HEIGHT = 90 
7.	    IMAGE = "interface\inventory.bmp"

Step 3

Open scripts\game.script and add this line:

Game.InventoryVisible = true;

Now run the game and see your inventory window being constantly at the bottom of the screen.