====== How to Make Scene Auto-scrolling In Wintermute Engine ======
**__BIG THANKS__** to [[http://forum.dead-code.org/index.php?action=profile;u=9548|anarchist]] for his kind advice and knowledge in scripting!
It is pretty common for adventure games that a scene auto-scrolls to a given point independently from actor. This scripted event can be easily achieved in WME.
Suppose, you have a scene background that exceeds the scene width. Whenever actor walks around the scene, it scrolls smoothly – you can see that in WME demo project. However you wish your scene could scroll to a given point automatically, without actor’s movement. As if a camera slid past actor to something you wanted to attract players’ attention.
**Note:** It is assumed in this tutorial that you have successfully covered [[http://docs.dead-code.org/wme/inside_scenes_step1.html]] and that the floor region in your scene is extended to the whole (even though actor isn’t going to walk during scene auto-scrolling, it is necessary for WME to “know” that the point that you want your scene to scroll is located within the walkable space).
===== Step 1 =====
Open **scene_init.script** and add the following piece of code wherever you want scene auto-scrolling to happen:
Scene.AutoScroll = true; //The scene can scroll automatically.
Scene.ScrollTo(); //Scroll the scene to a given point (X, Y) or another actor (sally).
Test your scene now. Nothing happens and the scene does not scroll anywhere. What is wrong?
Now if you open **game.script** you will find this line there:
Game.MainObject = actor;
It is written in WME Documentation online that
Scene.Autoscroll: Specifies whether scene automatically scrolls to the Game.MainObject.
So it makes sense that, when you set **Game.Autoscroll** to **true** the scene scrolls toward the main actor. Also the Documentation says:
MainObject: The object which is used for the scene's auto-scrolling can be (set to) null.
Since **Game.MainObject** in your game is actor, WME cannot scroll the scene to the point you want, unless **Game.MainObject** is set to **null**. Let’s correct this.
===== Step 2 =====
Add a new line to your code:
Game.MainObject = null;
Scene.AutoScroll = true; //The scene can scroll automatically.
Scene.ScrollTo(); //Scroll the scene to a given point (X, Y) or another actor (sally).
Come on, test the scene now. That’s it – it is auto-scrolling smoothly to the point that you wanted!
===== Step 3 =====
And after you have done the scrolling add these two lines:
Scene.AutoScroll = false; //The scene cannot auto-scroll.
Game.MainObject = actor; //Actor is MainObject again.
This way actor “gains control” over the scene (or whole game) again.
But what if you wanted to change the speed of auto-scrolling? What if it seems too slow or too fast?
**ScrollSpeed** is an attribute of the Scene object. As it is said in the Documentation [[http://docs.dead-code.org/wme/generated/scripting_ref_scene.html]]:
ScrollSpeedX: Horizontal scrolling speed (in milliseconds, default=10)
ScrollSpeedY: Vertical scrolling speed (in milliseconds, default=10)
ScrollPixelsX: Horizontal scrolling shift (in pixels, default=1)
ScrollPixelsY: Vertical scrolling shift (in pixels, default=1)
OffsetX: Current horizontal scrolling offset of the scene
OffsetY: Current vertical scrolling offset of the scene.
As you can see, you can choose between horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) scrolling speed.
By default **ScrollSpeed** is set to 10, so you need to specify another integer if you want to change scrolling speed.
===== Step 4 (optional) =====
Write in this line right before **Scene.ScrollTo():**
Scene.ScrollSpeedX = 2; //Default is 10, so this will make the scene scroll faster horizontally (along X coordinate).
If your wish is to slow things down, replace “2” from our example to “20” or any other integer.
Then run the game and enjoy.