====== New scripting methods and properties in WME Lite ====== ===== Game object ===== ==== Game.Platform ==== Read-only. This property returns the name of the operating system WME Lite is currently running on. Possible values at the moment are: **"Windows"**, **"Mac OS X"** and **"iPhone OS"**. Note: Regular WME will return **null** when querying this property. That way your scripts can distinguish between WME Regular and WME Lite. ==== Game.DeviceType ==== Read-only. This property returns the type of the device WME Lite is currently running on. Possible values at the moment are: **"computer"**, **"phone"** (returned on iPhone/iPod Touch) and **"tablet"** (returned on iPad). You can use this property to modify the user interface of your game (tiny phone screens vs larger tablets). Remember that the actual resolution is not a good indicator of screen size, because phones can use higher density displays (e.g. the retina display used in iPhone 4 / iPod Touch 4). ==== Game.CursorHidden ==== When set to **true**, this property hides the mouse pointer completely. This can useful for touch-only devices where mouse pointer doesn't make much sense. ==== Game.AutoSaveOnExit ==== iOS only. This property specifies whether the game should automatically save when the user presses the Home button. Default value is **true**. ==== Game.AutoSaveSlot ==== iOS only. This property specifies the save game slot used for automatic save. Default value is **999**. Note that you are responsible for providing the user interface for resuming the game from autosave. ==== Game.MostRecentSaveSlot ==== Read-only. This property returns the number of the most recently used save game slot. If there's no recent slot, this property contains **-1**. It can be used for implementing a "Continue" button in main menu, which will allow the player to quickly continue from their last saved position. ==== Game.ShowStatusLine() ==== iOS only. Displays the top status line on iPhone/iPad. ==== Game.HideStatusLine() ==== iOS only. Hides the top status line on iPhone/iPad. ==== Game.Store ==== iOS only. Read-only. Returns a reference to the [[store|Store]] object, which can be used for in-app purchases. ===== Store object ===== [[store|Store object documentation]] ====== Changed scripting methods in WME Lite ====== ==== Game.SaveGame(slot, description, quickSave) ==== The SaveGame() method now provides an optional third parameter, which designates a quick save. When quick-saving WME doesn't display the progress indicator.